Tomatoes are a favourite fruit to grow for British gardeners and there are many types they can choose from, but this one ...
Buying plants and seeds online is not only convenient but you’ll often find varieties that aren’t available at garden centres and you can shop from companies that specialise in a particular kind of ...
And now, thanks to the growing number of online plant shops popping up, adding a new plant to your home is easier than ever. From the eco-friendly appeal of The Stem to the straightforward ...
If you're inspired to grow herbs and wish to see them growing, you'll find excellent displays at the Chelsea Physic Garden, London, where you can find out more on the ...
The Plant Finder database is no longer available. For thousands of plant descriptions, growing information, advice and images visit the Royal Horticultural Society's Plant Selector.
And although this competition finishes a week after - it's worth considering the Love Herb Plant collections from ... Include your name, age, email or phone. UK residents 18+ only.