Dear Neil: I’m going to be taking two Bradford pears out. Each of them has split ... Have them take the crown of the tree out as well as all major roots. Hopefully they’ll be easy to eliminate.
He named his selection Bradford. And the rest is history. The odd thing is, an individual specimen of Callery pear is actually self-sterile — a single tree, in the absence of pollen from another ...
Ornamental pear trees (many of you call them Bradford pears ... tree to keep it around is really like throwing money down a hole. If you have that much disposable income to keep this tree around ...
Over the last 25 years I have had Bradford, Aristocrat and Cleveland Select pear trees in my yard. I have had the latter two in my yard for the last 15 years and have yet to see the first thorn.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — You might have noticed, as soon as it warmed up, the very first trees to bloom had white flowers. Many of those are Bradford Pear trees. They look nice, but several ...
Last spring a tree branch broke off and fell on a kindergartner, injuring him while he was attending school. Now the child’s family is suing the school district, claiming negligence and seeking ...