The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has launched the newest iteration of its industry-supported Hydrogen Internal ...
The car industry just slammed the brakes—only to floor it into a whole new direction, thanks to an innovative leap from Japan ...
“By retrofitting existing diesel engines to operate on a hydrogen blend ... short-term solutions that make vessels cleaner, more efficient and more cost-effective to operate,” concluded ...
Lomar Shipping’s innovation investment arm lomarlabs is teaming up with new tech company Newlight pledging to retrofit hybrid ...
Despite delaying service entry by up to 10 years, Airbus is still pressing ahead with its ZEROe hydrogen aircraft programme ...
Advanced Collaboration Leads to Hydrogen Engine Breakthrough Cummins, in collaboration with key tech leaders like Johnson ...
As a result of its partnership, Honda established an advanced hydrogen engine, which produced a transformative effect on the automotive industry. Honda and GM launched their cooperation in 2013 to ...
"Japan has the accumulated (know-how) in automobile (technology), and there are ways to make use of it to reduce carbon emissions," said Toyota President Akio Toyoda. "The hydrogen engine is one ...
Creating awareness and demand for low-carbon products can also drive the hydrogen wave forward. The Hydrogen Engine Alliance of North America is not just building engines—it’s building the foundation ...
In a significant development in the military drone sector, California-based Mach Industries has announced its collaboration ...
The hydrogen engine is a technology, which uses hydrogen directly as a fuel in an internal combustion engine. It’s an extremely clean, robust and cost-effective alternative to fossil fuel engines. TNO ...