The right insulation can ease your summer and winter energy bills while keeping your home more comfortableAdding insulation ...
That’s partly because 9 out of 10 homes in the U.S. are under-insulated, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with older residences especially likely to need the extra care.
Since you don’t want foam showing on roof edges, you’ll need to apply solid wood to the edges of the roof and the eaves. The ...
Wetherby Wall Systems, part of the ROCKWOOL Group, is delighted to announce the launch of SOQEL A2, a fully compliant, impact ...
Large landlord Riverside is set to invest around £72m in more than 3,000 homes to deliver energy-efficiency upgrades.
Legislation has been drafted by People Before Profit-Solidarity in response to the case of a west Dublin couple who have been threatened with a fine if they do not remove external insulation from ...
Changes to the ECO scheme could transform how landlords track retrofitting. We spoke to Barry Lynham, managing director at ...
By topping up the existing insulation it also means that any gaps around wall ties, bad corner joints or cracks in the existing poly board will be filled in. Belfast Insulation Company would install ...
One Redditor was grumbling about their landlord's decision to install a heat pump, but commenters quickly defended the ...
Twenty years of data shows just how well the natural ester can enhance the insulation of electricity transformers.
There’s a home going viral on TikTok, and the star of the show is a humble shed from Home Depot. Over on TikTok, user Amanda ...