Whether you opt for border plantings, cascading blooms, or select a variety that’s known as a trap crop to lure harmful ...
Learn what vegetable, herb and flower combinations don't pair well so you can create a beautiful and productive garden.
Most perennials are easy care plants that require less maintenance than annuals and return year after year with minimal fuss.
Sharing cuttings is a free, environmentally friendly way to grow your plant collection — just know where to cut ...
One of the reasons I might get some hate mail for devoting late March garden column space to the lowly lawn is that gardeners ...
Bigleaf hydrangeas are no doubt the most popular hydrangeas. Their other common name, French hydrangeas, is misleading ...
Regardless of whether you want to use artichokes as a veggie or a flower (or both!), it's easy enough to grow this ...
Cover crops like millet, sorghum, and black-eyed peas have been successful at the botanic gardens. They improve water ...
If you're pressed for space, a micro orchard will allow you to grow many fruits in place of one or two trees, and you'll be ...
If you’re looking for some budget-friendly ways to tend to your garden this spring, the answer might be in your hands right ...
The best way to support and maintain a healthy sustainable community is by protecting wildlife, birds and pollinators.