让人尤为惊喜的是,HUAWEI MateBook X Pro 2025的电池续航能力。根据官方的数据,设备在正常使用下可以达到18小时的续航,比上一代产品更为出色。这一特性尤其适合经常出差或需要长时间远离电源的职业人士。通过高效的电池管理和华为的智能快充技术,用户无论是在机场、会议室,还是在咖啡馆等公众场合,都能够随时使用而无需担心电量不足的问题。
华为2024款MateBookXPro,一款重新定义轻薄与性能的旗舰笔记本电脑,现已在京东开启原价11599元,领取满2000减100元优惠券后,Plus会员到手价仅需9538元,近期超值好价不容错过!这款MateBookXPro采用全新飞跃线设计 ...
It sports a 5-megapixel camera on the front for selfies. Huawei MateBook is based on Windows 10 Pro and packs 128GB of inbuilt storage. The Huawei MateBook measures 194.10 x 278.80 x 6.90mm (height x ...
Huawei MateBook D Volta-W50D is a Windows 10 laptop with a 12.00-inch display that has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. It is powered by a Core i5 processor and it comes with 8GB of RAM. The Huawei ...
华为HUAWEIMateBook14酷睿Ultra笔记本电脑正在京东促销中,使用满2000元减100元优惠券后,到手价仅6199元。这款皓月银配色的轻薄笔记本采用2.8KOLED触控屏,支持手写笔功能,带来更加高效的办公与创作体验。机身轻至 ...
Huawei Technologies has taken a step forward in phasing out American hardware and software from its personal computers, as it ...
HUAWEI has announced the launch of its latest line of innovative tech offerings, set to transform consumers’ digital experience. Launched last September 19 at the HUAWEI Innovative Product Launch in ...
【天极网IT新闻频道】3月20日,以“先锋瞩目 大开想象”为主题的华为Pura先锋盛典及鸿蒙智行新品发布会盛大召开,正式发布首款阔折叠HUAWEI Pura X,进一步探索折叠手机屏幕尺寸与比例的全新组合方式,阔型设计耀目而生。1610阔型屏,阔感体验 ...