The trailblazing Harvard scientist, who documented the dominance of hydrogen and helium in stars, is still inspiring ...
The building blocks of life on Earth may have been fueled by tiny sparks hopping between water droplets.
Fluffy strands of cosmic gas and dust illuminated by bright young stars form a beautiful cloudscape in a neighboring nebula.
For decades, astronomers have classified exoplanets into neat categories: rocky Earth-like planets, gas giants like Jupiter, ...
For over a century, astronomers have marveled at the beauty and complexity of spiral galaxies, which feature arms covered in ...
The study is inspired by nature, mimicking how coral and mollusks create their shells. The process replaces the biological ...
The standard model of how the universe works involves the widely accepted theory that dark energy is a fundamental constant ...
Using the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), an international team of astronomers has observed a young Herbig ...
A map of the CMB published by ACT researchers. Research by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration has led to the clearest and most precise images yet of the universe’s infancy, the cosmic ...
Astronomers have discovered a surprisingly large reservoir of molecular gas in a group of galaxies about 24.5 billion light years away, according to new research.
We tied 7th in the UK for the quality of our Physics research environment, with 75% considered to be conducive to producing research of world-leading quality and enabling outstanding impact, in terms ...
A research team led by McGill identifies neutron stars as the likely source of fast radio bursts, one of the universe's most ...