Zare’s team demonstrated the existence of micro-lightning, very small electricity discharges that occur between tiny droplets ...
Life's building blocks may not have been crafted in the lightning flashes of a tempest, a new study suggests, so much as in the ceaseless glow of rolling ocean mists.
Instead, it may have started with tiny “micro lightning” sparks generated between water droplets from crashing waves or waterfalls. This fascinating new perspective comes from Stanford University ...
With local wildfires on top of mind, there has been plenty of information on protecting your property and your person from ...
Earth might be creating microscopic lightning bolts—and this electrical phenomenon could have sparked the chemistry of life ...
Dr. Frankenstein might not have needed a lightning bolt to bring his monster to life after all. A new study from Stanford ...
For centuries, scientists have puzzled over how life began on Earth. Many have supported the idea that a powerful lightning ...
We may be starting to get a grasp on what kick-started life on Earth – and it could help us search for it on other planets ...
Life on Earth may not have begun with a big lightning strike in the ocean, as scientists once thought. Instead, tiny electric sparks from crashing waves and waterfalls—called “microlightning”—might ...
The research, conducted by scientists at Stanford University, demonstrates that when water droplets collide and form spray, ...
The condemned person is usually bound to a gurney and a member of the execution team places numerous heart monitors in the ...