Child labour in the incense manufacturing industry, a longstanding concern for India, is declining significantly and the ...
Study shows decline in child labour in Andhra Pradesh's incense industry, with Chittoor leading the positive transformation efforts.
New Delhi, A new study by a coalition of child rights NGOs has claimed that child labour in India's incense stick manufacturing industry has found a significant decline in the employment of underage ...
The kitchen and certain Indian spices hold significant spiritual and healing properties in Hindu beliefs. Spices like ...
incense sticks don’t just infuse these lovely fragrances in the air but also produce an array of therapeutic effects on the body, mind, and spirit. The ancient Indian system of natural healing ...
Do you need organic, aromatic incense sticks to infuse your pooja rituals, meditation, or home atmosphere with flavor? The ...
The study, undertaken by the Just Rights for Children Alliance in collaboration with multiple NGOs, revealed that 82 per cent of respondents did not witness any child labour in their localities.