它们在低光环境下的表现尤为出色,适合专业用户。而Insta360 GO3则以小巧便携和创意拍摄为卖点,适合喜欢第一人称视角的用户。 购买建议方面,建议多平台比价,关注京东、天猫等电商平台的促销活动,同时也可以考虑二手市场或新款发布后的价格波动。
目前其团队规模现超2000人,其中研发人员占比近半,平均年龄仅28.5岁。 影石创新的核心产品为Insta360系列智能影像设备,主要涵盖消费级全景相机(如X4、X3)、运动相机(如GO3)及专业级VR相机(如TITAN)。 这些产品运用全景拍摄、AI影像处理等先进技术 ...
影石创新的核心产品为Insta360系列智能影像设备,涵盖消费级全景相机(如X4、X3)、运动相机(如GO3)及专业级VR相机(如TITAN)。这些产品运用全景拍摄、AI影像处理等先进技术,满足了用户在多种场景下的影像记录需求。Insta360系列设备主打360度无死角拍摄 ...
If you don’t want to miss a thing, you need a 360 camera. With a pair of lenses facing in opposite directions, the best 360 cameras shoot and stitch spherical video. This means you can capture ...
The best 360 cameras have dropped massively in price, are fun to use and create amazing content for social media With the best 360 cameras, you can capture images and videos that are quite unlike ...
The Insta360 GO 3 might be the smallest action camera, but it packs some seriously cool features. This vacation test run explores how its magnetic mounting system, hands-free recording ...
Is the Insta360 X3 functional? The Insta360 X3 camera’s standout feature lies in its seamless integration of two wide lenses, capturing the entire surroundings in stunning 360-degree videos.