这款相机在天猫精选的原价为2998元。现在有一系列优惠活动,首先可享受国家补贴8.5折起,能减去299.7元,还有立减1000元的优惠活动。如果是会员,在会员中心领取1000 - 50券,再加上淘金币抵扣,要是叠加88vip优惠券下单1件的话,最终实付低至1564.83元。如此优惠的价格就能拥有这款功能强大的运动全景相机,对于想要记录骑行之旅的朋友来说是个不容错过的机会。
2月27日,中国证监会公告显示,影石创新科技股份有限公司(影石Insta360)科创板IPO注册获正式批复,成为2025年科创板第一家注册通过企业。至此,上市进程曾一波三折的全球智能影像龙头企业,终于即将登陆科创板。 IPO获批复 图源:中国证监会 公开资料显示,影石创新最早在2019年提出IPO计划,经历了多次的审核和调整,过去几年间也面临资本市场和行业竞争的激烈变化,其IPO进程并非一帆风顺。
Insta360 X3运动相机(黑色)正在促销啦。这款运动相机功能超强大,它能够拍摄5.7K全景视频,360°完美记录精彩瞬间,其搭载1/2英寸4800万像素传感器。全景视频能通过insta 360 app中的AI智能工具剪辑,后期自由取景、随心构图,还能拍摄7200万像素全景照片和运动HDR视频。它支持单镜头模式,开启单镜头可拍摄最高4K 30fps的超清广角视频或2.7K 170°的极广角画面 ...
爆款产品如Insta360 X3、Ace Pro更是受到了消费者的广泛好评,评分稳定在4.7星以上。 除了市场表现亮眼外,影石Insta360在品牌影响力与用户黏性方面也 ...
Powder aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. As a massive fan of the Insta360 X3, I was thrilled when a brand-new X4 ...
经过一段时间对不同相机的使用,我挑选了Sony ZV - 1 II、DJI OSMO Pocket 3、GoPro 12和Insta360 X3这四款热门机型,为大家分享详细的使用感受。 Sony ZV - 1 II ...
Is the Insta360 X3 functional? The Insta360 X3 camera’s standout feature lies in its seamless integration of two wide lenses, capturing the entire surroundings in stunning 360-degree videos.
Insta360 X4在体积上进行了明显的改进,相较于前代产品X3,它更像是一块三明治,更加厚实。这一变化不仅带来了更大的电池容量,从1800mAh提升至 ...
Powder aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. As a massive fan of the Insta360 X3, I was thrilled when a brand-new X4 ...
If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. As a massive fan of the Insta360 X3, I was thrilled when a brand-new X4 arrived at my doorstep for testing earlier this season.
If you don’t want to miss a thing, you need a 360 camera. With a pair of lenses facing in opposite directions, the best 360 cameras shoot and stitch spherical video. This means you can capture ...