President Donald Trump reaffirmed his belief that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of John F. Kennedy but ...
Walking into the Hoyt Library in Kingston the other day to do a story on the recently dedicated “Larry Cook Historian Center ...
On Tuesday night, it was very hard for anyone who is a neutral observer to do anything other than recognize the forward-looking, expansive nature of President Trump's vision.
In his new book, "Ask Not: The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Speech that Changed America," historian Thurston Clarke attributes authorship of that address's most memorable passages to JFK ...
As an American patriot who remembers JFK’s inaugural address in 1961, and remembers Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address in 1980, it’s hard not to see the president’s speech in the same terms.
Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump because he promised to make America great again. It is already clear that the ...
Triumphalist rhetoric like what we've heard from the president makes it impossible to see things, including ourselves, as ...
Most of us know something about JFK, and to some JFK remains an appealing memory; he was popular, charismatic, and witty like no president has been since. He also had an appreciation of American ...
“Ask not what your country can do for you – – – ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy, Inaugural address, 1961. I’ll be the first to admit the United States has changed a lot in the ...
Kennedy files released last week by the National Archives turned out to be, by the standards of conspiracy hype, a total dud. President Trump promised 80,000 pages, then delivered nearly 64,000, none ...
Frederick Douglass called it "a sacred effort," and Lincoln himself thought that his Second Inaugural, which offered a theodicy of the Civil War, was better than the Gettysburg Address.