Painted Faces is a dramatised biopic of Yu Jim-yuen, the master of the China Drama Academy, a Peking opera school in Hong Kong attended by actors Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung Kam-bo and Yuen Biao among ...
It’s a short trip across a bridge to get to a 413-acre parcel of landfill — Rikers Island, New York City’s most notorious lockup — situated like a 19th-century penal colony in the middle ...
such as whole life and universal life insurance. It serves as an investment-like savings account within the policy. Once you build up cash value you can access it in a few different ways.
Going to school on just a few hours of sleep is tough enough – so imagine what going to work is like for actor Owen Cheung, who often goes for weeks without much sleep. Cheung, 30, is a Hong ...
Instead of, or in addition to, purchasing a separate policy for your child, you may be able to add a children’s term rider to your life insurance policy. Like a life insurance policy for an ...
It is at that time that we hear the now famous line "My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The movie captured the hearts of many and over the ...
Do you have to be a pessimist like Sophocles or Schopenhauer to seriously question whether existence (or life) has value? Surely not – no more than you have to be psychologically disturbed. But ...
More people are getting cancer too, especially younger women. In her series Life After Diagnosis, NPR's Yuki Noguchi is examining what life is like in survivorship. Hi, there. YUKI NOGUCHI, BYLINE: Hi ...