Dimple Kapadia attended the screening of Akshay Kumar's Sky Force with her granddaughter Naomika. The veteran actor wore a simple green look to the event.
One thing about it, Zara is known for offering quality, designer-looking pieces while helping Us to stay on budget. But what if you could shop those expensive-looking styles with the convenience of ...
The actor looked like a walking disco ball—in the best way—in a boxy cropped gray denim jacket and matching midi skirt, both half-covered in circular mirror studs. The Stella McCartney set hails from ...
As he expressed gratitude for his own good fortune, the Guardians of the Galaxy took a moment to acknowledge those who weren’t so lucky — including his ex-wife, Anna Faris, with whom he shares a ...
THEY say the lion is the king of the animal world, but it’s the leopard that has reigned supreme for the past few seasons.
But what if normcore didn’t die. What if it just mutated? In Paris, the prosaic is still there, though it has been polished ...
From creating shopping lists, replying to school correspondence or deciding the best wine to drink at supper, AI has ...