“在一个成功的男人后面,总是有一个不知名的女人。” “ Nezha 2”变得流行,其声誉成功地反击,意外地打破了“您射击越多,您获得的越糟”的情况。 票房以令人难以置信的速度上升,在短短几十天内,它进入了全球电影历史票房清单。
Una exposición sobre la superproducción de animación china Ne Zha 2 se inauguró el lunes por la tarde en Chengdu, capital de ...
A animação chinesa "Ne Zha 2" superou "Star Wars: O Despertar da Força" e garantiu seu lugar como o filme com quinta maior bilheteria de todos os tempos em todo o mundo.
本地最常见的饺子是中式饺子。中国饺子(Jiaozi)的起源众说纷纭,根据《饺子加工技术与配方》其中一个较著名的说法:东汉末年,「医圣」张仲景辞官回乡,当时正值寒冬,他眼见很多穷苦百姓忍饥受寒,连耳朵都冻坏了,于是他便将面粉皮包着肉碎和祛寒 ...
Director Yang Yu, better known as Jiaozi, said that while international companies were initially considered to produce the movie's visual special effects, they fell short of expectations.
Directed by Yang Yu, known as Jiaozi, the sequel to the 2019 animated hit "Ne Zha" — which grossed 5 billion yuan and topped the Chinese box office that year — now ranks seventh on the all-time global ...
MILESTONE FOR CHINESE CINEMA Directed by Yang Yu, known as Jiaozi, the sequel to 2019's "Ne Zha" -- which grossed 5 billion yuan and topped the Chinese box office that year -- has redefined the ...
Dirigida por Yang Yu, bajo el apodo Jiaozi, que significa ravioles en chino mandarín, la secuela del éxito animado de 2019 "Ne Zha", que recaudó 5.000 millones de yuanes y encabezó la taquilla china ...
Han Xiaoliang suggested that during holidays like Labor Day, immersive experiences could be organized around influential ...