That was the velocity, in miles per hour, on 14 of Joe ... Boyle, 25, got in two innings of work. All in all, it was a fine hello for a guy making his Rays debut after arriving in December from ...
Impressive so far in camp ...
NORTH PORT — Joe Boyle’s first couple of innings against the Braves in Monday’s 4-3 exhibition win were pretty darn good. He struck out Ozzie Albies and Austin Riley, and got Matt Olson to ...
FORT MYERS — At some point later this spring, the Rays will have to make a decision on whether they have room in the big leagues for Joe Boyle right now or to send him to Triple A. For the time ...
Two batters into the first inning of Sunday’s 7-5 exhibition loss to the Yankees, Rays starter Joe Boyle walked back ... 6 walks per nine innings with the Athletics. “It’s not easy, and ...
Now, the rationale seems obvious. The rays are high on Joe Boyle even though last year's numbers in Oakland were less than stellar: a 6.42 ERA and 40 walks in 47.2 innings. [ JEFF CHIU | AP ...