Closest airports to Kananga, Democratic Republic Of The Congo are listed below. These are major airports close to the city of Kananga and other airports closest to Kananga Airport. This page provides ...
The first agreement, signed in October 2020, covers five exploration licences located south of the city of Kananga in Kasai-Occidental. Energy 24 has agreed to carry out all the required studies with ...
Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) risks spilling over into a regional war, it is feared, as Rwanda-backed rebels claim to have captured the key city of Goma. The leader of a rebel ...
Summary: The GST Demand and Recovery (DRC) forms play a critical role in communicating tax liabilities and disputes between taxpayers and the GST department. These forms also help facilitate voluntary ...
Curious, I opened the attachment. It was a photo of some of the carnage in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – to be precise, the photo of corpses of those killed in the DRC’s never ...
She says this allows states not to accept responsibility for armed conflict and war crimes. Meanwhile, the DRC told the UN the advance of Rwandan forces into its territory is a Declaration of War.
The M23’s movement into Goma, the capital and largest city in the DRC’s province of North Kivu that also sits at the northern end of Lake Kivu and directly next to the border with Rwanda, is a drastic ...
EFF MP Carl Niehaus said the meeting on troops in the DRC had been cancelled to shield Angie Motshekga from answering questions from MPs. Parliamentarians are up in arms after an urgent portfolio ...
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), various armed groups – including both Congolese army and rival armed rebel groups, among them the M23 – occupy mines and trading routes ...