Inc. devices chief Panos Panay is adding a premium tier to the next generation of artificially intelligent Alexa ...
The Boox Note Max is a 13-inch e-reader with a sharp display, an extensive feature set, and one of the best digital pen experiences I've encountered.
A laptop is often essential -- not just for work, but as a sort of digital home base.
Churches, ministries, seminaries, and universities around the world struggle to access Christian material. BiblioTech wants ...
墨水屏设备的最大潜力场景在于办公和教育。其护眼、低功耗、高续航的优势与办公人士的需求高度契合,同时在背光技术的加持下,还能满足长时间观看、不同光线下使用以及触控的需求。国家补贴政策的持续施行也促进了墨水屏设备在C端的渗透,使得中高价位段的产品更具吸引 ...
The INIU B64 is a top rated powerbank, and this price is only AU$6 more than the lowest it's ever been. This power bank has ...
When you have the right travel gear, a long flight is just an excuse to watch a few movies and take a nap. View Entire Post › ...
Bulgarian student Kaloyan Geshev has set a new world record in speed mathematics. The young prodigy completed 10 complex ...
Industrial production in Bulgaria continued to experience a downturn at the start of the year, according to preliminary and ...
From authors Stu Jones and Gareth Worthington (under the combined pseudonym Gareth Jones) new sci-fi action novel, ...