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The Amazon Kindle has had its day — it's time to move on to pastures new. Here's why I'm leaving Amazon, and which e-reader ...
Kobo does offer refurbished Nia e-readers for $80 — $30 less than the baseline Kindle — but it has a lower resolution and less storage, so I would think twice about that. If your budget can ...
Use these 28 Kobo coupon codes to save money on ebooks, audiobooks, Kobo Plus and ereaders. All coupon content is created by TechRadar. We may earn a commission if you buy through our links.
Amazon, the company that catapulted founder Jeff Bezos to billionaire status (and to the edge of space), has long been touted as environmentally unfriendly; the company emits the same level of carbon ...
Buying a refurbished iPad or a second-hand iPad is a tempting way to save money. It's a smart choice if you choose the right retailer and know what to look out for. There are second-hand retailers ...
Improved displays with higher resolution from the likes of Kindle and Kobo have made ereaders better than ever in recent years. E-ink is a gloriously simple technology, which is easy on the eyes ...
If time has taught us anything, it should be that newer isn’t necessarily better. In the world of computing, it often means paying a significant premium to be a ...
For those who don’t have the deep pockets to finance a factory-fresh phone, there is another option: buying refurbished. Electronic waste is fast becoming the next big environmental issue ...
Does Microsoft offer free shipping? Yes, Microsoft offers free shipping on all orders, so there’s no need to worry about any additional costs! What’s even better is that it's expedited ...