Otherwise, we don't know much about the cloaked canine's breed. We've taken a closer look at some of Krypto's powers and super-dog abilities, and researched other breeds that have some of the same ...
With a few tests, he determines that the dog has the same powers as he does. Krypto leads him to a crashed space rocket, which contains a note written in Krypton, the language of his home planet.
Fans were treated to their first look at Krypto in the first Superman trailer and were immediately smitten with him. It seems like Krypto will play a notable role in the film and likely be one of ...
It’s going to be a big summer for Krypto the Superdog, and not just on the big screen. DC Comics just announced a new 5-issue series called Krypto: The Last Dog of ... will play into the story.
Unlike in previous blockbusters with the character, this one will introduce us to Krypto the dog, who also seems to have an important role. And it seems Gunn has bigger plans for Superman's ...
As we head towards summer, DC is turning up the heat! June is a seriously packed month of new comics, with the latest chapter ...
Clark’s superpowered dog Krypto will also have a sizable role in the film. Per ComicBook, Gunn has announced that Krypto will star in a series of short films that will begin to be released ...
Finally, DC Super Powers takes ... got these cool little Krypto shorts that are so fun, man. I’ve been watching all of them," Gunn teased. "He’s a terrible, terrible dog.
on the 4th of March 2022 at 16:30 ...
Everyone loved the cute canine at first sight, and Gunn has been having fun with the furry hero. Gunn explained, “We’ve got these cool little Krypto shorts that are so fun, man. I’ve been watching all ...