Who hasn’t found themselves dazzled by LED lights while driving or simply riding a bicycle or even walking, to the point of being genuinely inconvenienced? In any case, such is the opinion of an ...
Who could have guessed that'd be a good idea? One drawback, though, is that poorly aimed LED headlights can temporarily blind oncoming drivers. Now, the solution for this is finally starting to ...
具有 4 通道电流源的 IS32BL3554 升压型 LED驱动器的典型应用。 IS32BL3554 是一款用于背光应用的白光 LED 驱动器,基于高效升压控制器,可在 4.5V 至 33V 的宽输入电压范围内运行 欢迎加入EEWorld参考设计群,也许能碰到搞同一个设计的小伙伴,群聊设计经验和难点。
RD024,参考设计描述了 300W 隔离式 DC-DC 转换器的规格、操作流程和效率特性。该转换器的工作输入电压范围为 36 至 75VDC,并在 12VDC 输出时提供 300W 功率。该转换器适用于各种应用,包括采用 48VDC 线路的电信设备和由 48V 电池供电的工业系统。该参考设计提供了 ...
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