Minnesota had the nation’s largest pandemic-related fraud in the Feeding Our Future fiasco. But grifters absconded with ...
Oregon landlords could be barred from using AI-powered software to set rents or occupancy rates if the Oregon Legislature moves forward on a new bill.
A last-minute vote reversed budget cuts to aid that helps people stay housed. So why are some programs still on the chopping ...
A new report says Travis County eviction filings hit a 10-year high last year even as rents continued to decline.
That is one of the provisions of the APCo Rate Reduction Act, a bill passed by the General Assembly at its recent session and ...
The following is a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office (Idaho). BOISE – Tanisha Gray, 39, of Houston, Texas, pleaded ...
PELASS operates two Transitional Housing Programs, one of these is through the Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Housing ...
Cambridge city councilors are upset their neighborhoods are seeing more vacant storefronts. They’re also upset they can’t seem to do much about it.
If you want to eliminate your student loans, move to Illinois. That’s what happened to James Ekstrom, who was able to ...
Jai’meka Michelle Austin, a Roanoke woman at the center of a scheme to create fake small businesses that obtained loans from ...
An earnings tax of up to 1% in Wyandotte County would tax both residents and people who commute to KCK to work.