Unlike all other Stormont quango appointments recruitment of the new language and identity tzars won’t be regulated by the ...
Dr. Emmanuel Sitole, a scholar from Zimbabwe, visited Ball State’s Rinker Center to discuss the oppressive Rapabugabi regime ...
The Dover Area School Board approved policies on pronoun usage and bathroom access amid community confusion after a social ...
Rapper Foreshadow’s new album promotes language and culture. He said it wouldn’t have been possible without support from a ...
Poets Safia Elhillo, Jamila Woods and members of the Stanford Spoken Word Collective shared poems both personal and political ...
The Language Movement of 1952, a defiant cry, the bedrock of a future. Yet, this sacred connection to language, this fierce embrace of identity, has twisted, contorted, into something else. Linguistic ...
Instead of empowering Adivasi children, these schools separate them from their roots, stripping them of their language and identity. And then comes something even more insidious — Factory Schools.
This rhetoric of “unity” and “efficiency” echoes the language of past empire-builders, but history suggests a darker reality.
At its conception, Pidgin was an avatar crafted by McKenney that became the inspiration for his art. He had mentioned to his ...
Poetry is a vessel for greater understanding in the same way that a voice is a vessel for language,” Price said.
The Iranian-born actor’s Broadway debut mirrors her own transcontinental experiences with family and belonging.