Commercial beekeepers in Texas have lost about two thirds of their honey bees since June last year, according to a recent ...
The University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (UAS-B) organised the conference in association with Indian Council of ...
The beekeeping industry has dealt with crippling bee death loss this year, with commercial apiaries losing on average 62% of their bees, while hobbyist beekeepers lost around 50% according to the ...
Since starting their beekeeping business southwest of San Antonio in late 2019, the Wheeler family has aimed to produce about ...
and to discover the nutritional value and therapeutic properties of bee products. A sweet record in the heart of Piraeus! The ...
and package honey and other bee products. The Rs 5 crore project is capable of processing 15MT of honey per day, making it one of the largest processing units in the state, said Ramapratheek ...
The colony collapses have impacted even some of the largest honey bee outfits in Texas, hurting their revenue and ability to provide enough bees to their partners in California for almond pollination.