A verdict has been reached in the trial of Larry Hernandez, who is accused of killing his daughter's boyfriend, Ron Quadri, ...
As the defense’s sole witness, Hernandez took the stand to tell the jury that he feared for his life after his daughter ...
A jury is set to deliberate the fate of Larry Hernandez, who stands accused of killing his daughter's boyfriend, Ron Quadri, in 2023.The two men ...
Larry Gene Hernandez, 45, is accused of fatally shooting Ron Quadri, his daughter's boyfriend, in 2023. If found guilty, he ...
On the third day of his murder trial, a San Antonio man admitted to shooting and killing his daughter’s boyfriend. He said he did it in self-defense. Larry Gene Hernandez, 45, is accused of fatally ...
HERNANDEZ, LARRY MICHAEL Larry Michael Hernandez, 49, Denver. Son of Dorothy; brother of Shirley, Ed, Michael, and Anita; numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives ...