Creating an effective lesson plan, with or without AI, should always begin with the standards. Standards dictate grade-level proficiency, identifying the mark our children must meet—thus driving a ...
The RAND report found that math and elementary teachers are less likely to report using AI tools or products for ...
Three core options are available to pick from: StudySyncELA, for the complete ELA curriculum; SyncBlasts reading and writing assignments to build critical thinking; and StudySync Global, which is an ...
New surveys report that boys are feeling discouraged in the classroom and are less likely to go to college. Is this true in your experience? By Shannon Doyne How do these journalists craft ...
Planning for projects can be difficult and time-consuming. This list of teacher-tested projects—complete with printable ...
A discussion about Texas' controversial Bible-infused curriculum got so heated Monday night that police removed a woman who flipped off a Fort Bend ISD trustee and called him a fascist. The uproar ...
The first meeting of ISD’s Facility Advisory of Citizens, Teachers & Students Committee was incredibly informative, board trustees were told Monday. The ISD board of trustees created the FACTS ...
A "return to play" reverses a trend educators have described over the past decade, from pre-K to second grade, away from ...
The Hechinger Report reports on how a much-touted federal reform effort, and a tribal lawsuit, sought to improve outcomes for ...
Data shows that Ohio students have gotten back to where they were before the pandemic when it comes to reading, but despite ...