Rep. Mark Messmer’s office asked the Boonville Library to call the police on residents during an office hours event, the ...
The North Philly branch has been closed since January. It reopened on Thursday after an emotional town hall with ...
"We have historically preserved so much motion picture film television and radio history. Some of that comes in through copyright deposit," said Rachel Stoeljte ...
A public library director is speaking out after she claims Representative Mark Messmer’s chief of staff wanted the library ...
SC Constitution requires elected and appointed officials to swear to protect, defend state, US constitutions. Sen Matt Leber ...
State auditors said they found the director of the Piqua Public Library was overpaid by $1,030 in 2023 due to a miscalculation of salary, the Ohio Auditor of State’s Office said Tuesday.
OverDrive doesn't select which items are added to a school district or public library's digital lending library. Decisions ...
US Rep. Mark Messmer regularly holds Mobile Office Hours throughout his district to give constituents one-on-one access to ...