3月28日14时20分,缅甸境内发生7.9级地震。云南昆明、西双版纳、保山、德宏、普洱等多个州市震感强烈。   地震发生后,云南省消防救援队伍第一时间做好集结和出动准备。经与缅甸接壤的怒江、临沧、德宏、保山支队了解,辖区内有明显震感,道路交通、电力通信正常。云南消防救援队伍已派出4支前突力量进行排查。
The wildfire in Okayama City has continued to burn for the fourth consecutive day, with no signs of containment as of ...
当地时间3月23日, 中国化学 董事长莫鼎革在瑞士会见Casale首席执行官费德里科•扎尔迪,双方就深化战略合作、共同开拓海外市场进行深入交流。中国化学副总经理邓兆敬参加。 莫鼎革 ...
A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...
Multi-award winning newscast on ABS-CBN and ANC, The World Tonight delivers the top stories of the day, covering political, economic, and social sectors on both local and global fronts.
Sea-rail direct transport boosts global reach for 'Made in Henan' products ...
Local news channels across the affected region showed video of roofs torn off homes, trees felled, and trucks overturned by ...
Henan's foreign trade witnessed a strong start in the first two months of this year. According to Zhengzhou Customs on March 12, Henan's foreign trade value saw a year-on-year increase of 26.4 percent ...