How can you tell if the grain product you purchase is whole grain? Look for whole grain as the first ingredient in the ingredient list to help determine whether the product is whole grain.
For those looking to add more fiber to their diet, whole grains are an excellent choice. Moore points out that most Americans don't consume enough fiber, making these grains even more valuable.
If you look at the nutritional facts, most energy bars seem healthy. But many don't deliver as well as you might expect.
There are so many delicious and wholesome options now," says Largeman-Roth. "Consumers should look for whole-grain flour or a nut-and-seed mix as the first ingredient," Largeman-Roth says.
You might have a vague idea that wholemeal or wholegrain bread is healthy. But is one better for you than the other?
As we age certain factors can affect our nutrient needs. Choosing a variety of foods from all the food groups will help build ...
you may have seen labels such as 'whole wheat bread' or 'whole grains' and purchased them in the hope of some kind of health benefit. Margaret Murray, a nutrition lecturer at Swinburne University ...
Whole-grain bread contains all three of those elements, which each provide nutrients. So, if you’re looking for the healthiest bread, you’ll probably want to start with whole-grain bread ...