I was cut from my mother’s womb before her time… MACBETH: What? Curses on you for telling me! NARRATOR: So everything the witches said came true. And whatever the reason– whether it was the ...
Strange times. LENNOX: Aye Ross, you are right. First Duncan is killed and his sons flee. ROSS: Because they were the murderers - so says Macbeth. LENNOX: And then Banquo is killed and his son ...
2025 was — and is still — supposed to be the year that the movies came roaring back from the various impediments that have ...
The Arizona Diamondbacks took on the Chicago Cubs for their first series of the 2025 MLB season from March 27-30, 2025. Dodgers receive their 2024 World Series rings, with an Oscars touch and 1 ...
Making a great movie is an absurdly difficult task, and pulling off even a single fantastic scene is rife with challenges ... The moment that we first catch a fleeting glimpse of the adult ...
Cliffhanger doesn't get enough credit for how absolutely harrowing its opening sequence is ... It's a brilliantly directed scene and actress Michelle Joyner does a fantastic job of selling ...
A racy new BBC drama kicked off with a steamy phone sex scene - but some viewers had a big complaint just moments into the premiere. The first episode of This City Is Ours aired on Sunday ...
Take a famous example: to read about the Federal Theatre Project’s production of “Macbeth” that opened ... they wear the same outfit from the first to the last scene. Whether this style ...