Things like the ZIP disk, RDRAM, the digital compact cassette ... [smbaker] is placing his magnetic bubble memory module to work in a Heathkit H8, an Intel 8080-based microcomputer from the ...
The IBM 350, the world's first hard disk, was released in 1956. As the RAMAC computer's memory, it had space for 3.75 ...
Or maybe there’s a spot in the disk that is going bad, and the stronger magnetic field is required to reset the floppy’s field. Let us know your guess, or if you know the answer, fill us in!
An early non-volatile magnetic storage device. Developed by Bell Labs researcher Andrew Bobeck in the 1970s, bubble memory was about as fast as a slow hard disk but it held its content without power.
Traditional hard disk drives use the direction of the magnetization of magnetic materials to store ... can make next-generation computing and memory devices work more efficiently.