With the launch of Football Manager 25 we set out to create the biggest technical and visual advancement in the series for a generation, laying the building blocks for a new era. Due to a variety ...
Tottenham have been sucked into a relegation battle for which they, and most importantly their manager, appear entirely ill-prepared and ill-equipped. That sensational dismantling of Man City was ...
8=) Max Allegri Has been a staple of the Premier League’s Next Team X Manager markets since leaving Juventus (again) but we think this is the first time he’s cracked the top 10 for this one.
I sat in the car shaking with rage. “Later, I went back and Martin was sitting there, surrounded by takeaway cartons filled with our meal. He just looked at me. I took off my gold wedding ring ...
Jorge Martin joined the Red Bull Rookies Cup for the 2012 season. Unfortunately it was a season plagued by various injuries, but the following year he tried again and finished runner-up behind the ...
Farmer killed 16-year-old Fred Barras in 1999 but the thief’s accomplice says he doesn’t hold ‘any bitterness or animosity’ towards Martin A murder charge against Tony Martin was dropped ...
Thanks was extended to Galloway and MacLeod for sponsoring the event. Congratulations was extended to Martin McConville Glenhone Flock claiming the Champion rosette. The Club members also enjoyed a ...
The objective of the Fund is to provide income and growth above those of the ICE BofA BB-B Global High Yield Non-Financial 2% Constrained Index (Hedged to GBP), the (“Benchmark Index”). The Fund aims ...