Discover how Mauna Loa supervolcano could impact Hawaii and beyond. Learn about past eruptions, new prediction methods, and ...
Officials told residents to be ready to evacuate if lava flows start heading toward populated areas. Many now living in the area weren’t around when Mauna Loa last erupted 38 years ago.
For 16 years, Mele Apana's Mother's Day show has been a sell out -- tears of love, laughter, great prizes, shopping and awesome entertainment. President and CEO of ALOHA Connects which is a ...
Mauna Loa is coming off its "longest quiet period on record," according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The last eruption occurred in 1984, with lava flow that missed the largest population center ...
Walls. Over the decades, people have tried all of them to stanch the flow of lava from Hawaii’s volcanoes as it lumbered toward roads, homes and infrastructure. Now Mauna Loa — the world’s ...
Kilauea is in a unique phase of activity in Halema‘uma‘u, with 12 episodes of dual lava fountains since Dec. 23, 2024.
Some volcanoes, like Mauna Loa in Hawaii are caused by hot spots in the Earth’s crust. These do not erupt violently and lava usually flows slowly out of them. Eruptions from volcanoes can be ...