Currently, 1.1% - 6% of orthodontic treatment plans involve the extraction of a lower incisor [ 8 ]. The main indications for mandibular incisor extraction (MIE) include tooth size discrepancies, ...
The prevalence of dental abnormality in deciduous dentition and the prevalence of dental abnormality in permanent dentition per tooth were reported, both for maxillary and mandibular teeth.
The procedure was linked with a good prognosis and no side effects. Radiographic examination (intraoral periapical radiograph (IOPA)) of maxillary left central incisor revealed adequate obturating ...
Effect of dry needling, ischemic compression and cross-taping of the masseter in patients with orofacial myofascial pain: a randomized comparative study ...
Objective: To evaluate the effect of syphilis and urogenital diseases (SUD) during pregnancy on developmental defects of enamel (DDE) using causal inference models. Results: SUD did not interfere in ...