The scan revealed subcutaneous emphysema in the abdomen, hips, back, chest, and neck, along with bilateral upper lobe collapse and right lung middle lobe collapse, tracheal rupture, mediastinal ...
When it first develops, emphysema, one of a group of lung diseases known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is usually asymptomatic. As the illness progresses, however, it causes ...
While the pulmonary microvasculature is thought to be one of the causative factors in emphysema pathogenesis, there is little in vivo evidence in the general population to confirm this. Hermann and ...
Associations of pulmonary microvascular blood volume with per cent emphysema and CT emphysema subtypes in the community: the MESA Lung study ...
Air can also enter the mediastinum directly creating a pneumomediastinum. Air can escape from the area, leaking into the soft tissue of the chest and causing subcutaneous emphysema to form under ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
The lung is compressed, and the mediastinum may be shifted, and the opposite lung compromised as well. A 15-cm. lateral thoracotomy incision is made under light general anesthesia. A biopsy of the ...
Experts call this area your “mediastinum.” It holds your heart and its large vessels, your trachea or windpipe, your esophagus, your thymus gland, and some of your lymph nodes. This surgical ...
Endoscopic augmentation of the lower oesophageal sphincter using hydrogel implants for the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease IPG222 27 June 2007 27 June 2007 Carmustine implants and ...