There was radiographic evidence of mild mediastinal emphysema in the 2 patients with extensive subcutaneous air. The most severely afflicted patient had coughed repeatedly before aspiration and ...
When it first develops, emphysema, one of a group of lung diseases known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is usually asymptomatic. As the illness progresses, however, it causes ...
Experts call this area your “mediastinum.” It holds your heart and its large vessels, your trachea or windpipe, your esophagus, your thymus gland, and some of your lymph nodes. This surgical ...
Emphysema is not cancer. While emphysema and lung cancer are serious respiratory conditions, they are distinct conditions with different causes, treatments, and outcomes. However, the former can ...
The lung is compressed, and the mediastinum may be shifted, and the opposite lung compromised as well. A 15-cm. lateral thoracotomy incision is made under light general anesthesia. A biopsy of the ...
Pneumonia causes inflammation in the alveoli in one or both lungs. The inflamed alveoli fill with pus, which makes it hard to breathe. Emphysema is a chronic, or long-term lung disease. It usually ...
Between 2000 and 2017, of 698 patients with RACD, there were 146 patients who developed primarily significant MV disease requiring surgery. All patients were free of recurrent malignancy at the time ...