On average, Oklahomans pay $58 per month for a benchmark silver plan, but without the subsidies, that figure is projected to ...
Regulating AI in healthcare has been on the legislative agenda in a number of states in recent months, as critics argue that ...
Did you know about 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day and become eligible for Medicare? This shows how important it is to ...
Gundlach acknowledged in an interview with CNBC that he thinks the probability of a recession is "higher than most people ...
Our current patchwork system of private health insurance is a failure. The New York Health Act is the sensible way forward.
(Note: Toni has had a death in her family, so we are sending this column from August of 2023. It has been revised and updated ...
The tough-on-hospitals approach to curbing Indiana's high health care costs has a new champion in Gov. Mike Braun's ...
There’s no room to absorb additional costs” in Maine’s health care system, according to a health care executive.
A new Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan policy that starts April 1 is expected to result in an average 17% reimbursement cut for physical therapy.
As an older Spokane resident, Gail Halverson relies on Medicare and Medicaid to live. Right now, she is afraid she could lose ...
As potential Medicaid cuts loom over millions of Americans, parents of children with severe disabilities are trying to ...
Recently the newly created Office of Healthcare Accountability within the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene released ...