No mixed signals in this family! Watch wolves. In a meerkat family, everyone has a job to do. Some are guards, looking out for predators like eagles or jackals. Others are construction workers ...
Here is a list of The 12 Coolest Exotic Pets That You Can't Own that are rare or nonexistent in private captivity in the U.S.
Meerkats are small mammals who are members of the mongoose family. What do meerkats spend their time doing? Meerkats spend a lot of their day digging for food with their super sharp claws. This ...
“Meerkat babies are always so fun to watch,” said Zoo Director Ronda Schwetz. “Poppy has already shown us that she has great maternal instincts and the whole family has been helping with ...
Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo is welcoming three new meerkats. Clover, Violet, and Dahlia are just 1.5 years old and were born ...
A Chicago zoo has added a second mob of meerkats to its list of residents. This small mammal was made famous in the early 1990s by Timon in “The Lion King.” Like the beloved animated character ...
Meerkats are cooperative breeders. This is commonly a species where there is only one breeding male and one breeding female in each group. There is also “a pile” of what is usually their ...
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington DC is celebrating the birth of meerkat pups for the first time in 16 years. The three pups are two weeks old, and are starting to open their eyes and ...
That’s essentially the cooperative breeding system of meerkat groups, in which one dominant male and female monopolize the mating and pup-bearing. What helps that female keep her coveted position?
Getty The Philadelphia Zoo is mourning the loss of five of its beloved residents. A group of meerkats — named Lula, Nkosi, Nya, Kgala, and Ari — died suddenly at the zoo last week from ...