We are metal detecting a forgotten wagon road we found that dates back to the 1800s! Heath Jones from the History Seekers ...
I Found a Big Gold AGGIE Ring Deep Underwater while Metal Detecting (Returned to Owner) While scuba diving in the river, using my underwater metal detector, I found some incredible finds, including an ...
Searching for gold in America with a metal detector is a favorite pastime for thousands who dream of striking it rich.
Shelby Forbes of Gillette was “crying my eyes out” when she lost her grandmother’s wedding ring while throwing hay to her ...
Having been in the field for seven years now, Heidizaini and Siti Norzehan consider themselves experts. They can identify the ...
According to a release from Museums Worcestershire, a trove of 1,368 silver and gold coins from the Iron Age and Ancient Rome were found by an anonymous metal detectorist searching an unnamed area ...
In 1992, an English farmer lost his hammer in the middle of a field. He reached out to his friend … Continue reading "An ...
In 2020, a Danish man named Ole Ginnerup Schytz bought a new metal detector and a field near Jelling and soon found 22 gold objects dating back 1,500 years. The hoard weighs a total of two pounds.
John Ord Renshaw, 44, was out in County Durham when he discovered eight coins from the reign of Elizabeth I and three from the James I period. The post-medieval hammered coins, from the late 1500s and ...
Sometimes, when you search for gold, you will choose the All-metal mode as you don’t want to miss ... That’s why a single-frequency, no matter how the manufacturers have advertised that they have ...