3月13日,极氪官方正式发布极氪007GT的内饰官图。新车全系标配激光雷达,提供单电机与双电机动力可选,续航最高可达825km。内饰方面,极氪007GT提供浅米色、深红色两种内饰主题,浅米色主题以金色、棕色进行点缀,年轻且富有活力。深红色主题以金色、 ...
【ITBEAR】近日,疑似新款特斯拉Model Y Plaid在美国的无伪装谍照曝光,引发了广泛关注。新车在尾部设计上进行了显著调整,采用了类似Model 3焕新版 ...
10月31日,新款特斯拉Model Y Plaid的无伪谍照曝光,新车的细节这次比较完整的展现了出来,它采用的是贯穿式的尾灯组,和现款的特斯拉Model 3采用 ...
At the time, Dominic's Model 3 was the first of its kind in any European ... he started competing in a Tesla Model S Plaid. The car was modified with help from Unplugged Performance.
How would you spend your first few miles in a Tesla Model S Plaid, a car that accelerates from 0-60mph in less than 2sec, one that can outrun almost any supercar you care to mention? It all feels ...
This 2023 Tesla Model S Plaid is finished in Solid Black over Cream and is putting down no fewer than 1,020 horsepower and 1,050 lb-ft of torque. It was purchased new by its original owner ...