The number of monarch butterflies that spent the winter in Mexico doubled this year, giving hope for a species that has faced ...
A monarch butterfly is seen at an enclosure at Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens in Mount Pleasant ...
The monarch butterfly is known by scientists as Danaus plexippus, which in Greek literally means "sleepy transformation." The name evokes the species' ability to hibernate and metamorphize. Adult ...
Monarch butterfly are considered a “poster species,” and efforts to conserve them also benefit less glamorous pollinators as well. (CorreoRealMX/X) Local managers had already noted the ...
And March 12 is National Plant a Flower Day, the perfect day to bask in the sunlight and plant flowers that will help pollinators like the endangered eastern monarch butterfly. The sun is out ...
This year’s count of 4.42 acres of occupied forest habitat is nearly twice as large as last year's, but eastern monarch butterfly populations remain far below the long-term average. The 2024 ...
A monarch butterfly lays an egg on a lab-grown milkweed ... Monarch butterflies flitter in an enclosure before being released during Monarch Fest at Indian Creek Nature Center in southeast Cedar ...
In a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on March 12, the USDA recommended against requiring farmers to get an incidental take permit to spray near monarch butterfly habitat.
And each of those generations lays a ton of eggs. This means that if we make the world a more hospitable place for butterflies, butterfly species have the capacity to respond very quickly and take ...
There's nothing quite like seeing a monarch butterfly spread its wings and glide through the air. It can certainly provide a sense of calm to life's everyday stressors. But the monarchs' numbers ...