About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimise reproduction, making pollination one of nature’s most important processes. Bees are usually the first insects to ...
They chomp pollen grains or fern spores and grind them in a sort of gizzard. It is fascinating because nearly all other moths and butterflies have sucking mouthparts - the proboscis - for drinking ...
These remarkable creatures mimic the appearance and behavior of their avian namesake, rapidly flapping their wings and hovering near flowers as they sip nectar. Although many of these moths are ...
Biology in the background There are several species of butterflies, plus the whole Saturniidae family of silk moths, that don’t feed and that lack mouthparts as adults but instead spend all their ...
As night falls over Australia’s forests, grasslands and backyards, the hidden world of nocturnal insects stirs to life.
Moths rely on their sense of smell to find the right plants for their food. They love the sweet, tasty treat of nectar that smells good at night. Night-time flowering plants are often white or ...
Their predators include birds, mammals and spiders. They are also important pollinators. Alessandro says, 'Moths pollinate a wide variety of plants, including wildflowers and some crops, as they ...
Early fall brings an amazing insect to our flower gardens across the United States. It is the white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata), also called the hawk moth or hummingbird moth. No matter what ...
Some of these compounds may be attractants or co-attractants for moths and play a key role in locating flowers as nectar sources. /// Las flores del arbusto de mariposa, Buddleja davidii Franch., ...
A team of researchers has detailed how one particular hawkmoth species, the Carolina sphinx moth (Manduca sexta), is able to keep its flight muscles functioning smoothly without the input of dietary ...