An intake officer reassured her the booking photo without her hijab would not be shared publicly, according to the complaint.
Instead of growing spiritually, many prisoners spend the month engaged in tedious legal battles to ensure their religious rights are respected. The Council on American-Islamic Relations ...
Soon, she was peppering a Muslim friend with questions about ... that required athletes to file for a waiver to wear religious headwear provided it was safe for competition. Still, wearing a ...
They argue that emotionally, Albanians have always connected with the Catholic religion, but they remained in hiding as “crypto-Catholics” and practiced Catholicism only in their personal spaces of ...
These short films are from the original BBC series, My Life, My Religion: Islam. Suitable for teaching KS2 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 1st and 2nd Level in Scotland. Kaisan ...
Kiandra Browne had little interest in religion growing up in multicultural Montreal. But she did have a curious mind. “If you ...
Founded in 2018 by the Bilal Association, the Bilalul Habeshi Museum is named after Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi, an Ethiopian ...
Not only Baba Mondi, the Albanian Prime Minister uncovered his plans last year to establish a sovereign Muslim smaller state ... The Albanian religious leader said the goal of this state "will ...
Treating Muslims as a “faith community” in purely religious terms, evoking their religious distinctiveness as a “minority” in legal-constitutional discourse, measuring their demography in ...
However, villagers allege that Muslim traders from Pathardi and other parts of the state stay in the village for over a month during the yatra and violate these religious customs. They claim that ...
it seems strange today for a Muslim to be equated with the likes of Osama bin laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri who do not mind destroying the image of Islam as a religion of peace and submission to God and ...
Advocates say that the District Court found that the food policy did not constitutes a substantial burden to religious beliefs unless Muslims were prevented from hunger from fasting or suffered ...