Michael Fassbender has done sci-fi, sword-and-sandal and slasher movies. But his latest role, as the IRA hunger striker Bobby ...
Yes, smartphones are designed to keep your attention, but even when it is out of reach, people will still find ways to ...
When researchers asked people to work on a computer with their phones 1.5 metres away, the amount of time they spent on their ...
Thesis Competition began at the University of Queensland in 2008. BYU graduates participate in this tradition every year and attempt the challenge to present their research in under three minutes.
For this piece, we gave ourselves a spending limit of $50 — which allowed us to grab a whopping 16 items that range from ...
Columnist Kristin Neva writes that, with her husband's ALS, it feels like they're living in the middle of a long story with no resolution.
iPadOS 19 will probably be revealed at WWDC in June 2025, following the trend of previous years. Similarly, we expect that ...
Saving the voices of loved ones can be a comforting way to keep alive memories. Kurt "the CyberGuy" Knutsson explains how to ...
Before you can install Windows 11, you can check that your computer actually meets the system requirements. An easy way to do ...