Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use for over 2 years was associated with a lower risk for dementia, especially ...
3 月 6 日,中国生物制药发布公告,称其已与清普生物就 2 类新药 QP001 在中国大陆地区达成独家合作协议。该产品已在中国和美国申报上市,有望成为 国内首款每日一次的长效镇痛新型非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)注射液。
Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was tied to a decreased risk of dementia, data from the ...
NSAIDs should be considered as first-line treatment for children with acute pain, with ketamine and mid- to high-potency opioids as other effective options.
Painkillers, especially of the NSAID family, are known for causing kidney diseases, when consumed in excess. Know the prevention tips to stay safe.
Researchers have found in a new study that intra-articular steroid injections were associated with a reduced need for opioids ...
Use of OTC analgesics — including acetaminophen and NSAIDs — improves concussion symptoms and reduces recovery time in ...
Long-term use of over-the-counter drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen may help prevent dementia, a new study ...
智通财经APP讯,中国生物制药 (01177)发布公告,本集团与南京清普生物科技有限公司 (清普生物)就其研发的国家2类新药QP001在中国大陆地区达成独家合作协议。本集团预计该产品将于近期获中国国家药品监督管理局批准上市。
(HealthDay News) — Long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use is associated with reduced dementia risk, according to a study published online March 5 in the Journal of the American ...
Long-term NSAID use was associated with a lower risk of dementia, but not short- or medium-term use, results show. In ...