Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard The next NSW state election is scheduled for ... Ms Haylen booked a ministerial driver to a winery lunch. Her good friend, Housing Minister and surprise birthday ...
CANCELLING school bus services without notice, leaving students and teachers stranded, was the "ultimate line in the sand" for bus drivers who fear for their safety, the union says.
SINGAPORE – More than 6,800 SBS Transit bus captains and station staff will be sporting a fresh look, as the transport operator rolls out new uniforms for front-line employees. The change will ...
“There is currently no estimated time for reopening,” according to Live Traffic NSW. The driver of the car, a woman believed to be in her 30s, was seriously injured in the crash. She was treated at ...
STUDENTS were stranded at schools across Newcastle on Thursday after buses were immediately stopped without warning due to urgent safety concerns for drivers.
Mr. Emmanuel Uromu, a driver, said: “I drive a mini-bus in an environment where mainly students reside. “I noticed that such primary needs as milk, pen, bread, snacks among others are things ...
To prevent sexual harassment of women in public transport, a five-day training workshop is being conducted for bus drivers and helpers. On Sunday, the workshop was inaugurated by Nilima Akhter ...
She pointed out that many people are unaware of these helplines and called for increased public awareness. She also urged bus drivers to call these numbers if they cannot control any harassment ...