The sportswear company needs something to cushion the blow from clearing out old models. But rival Adidas won’t give it an ...
同年5月,曲靖市市场监督管理局联合公安部门对会泽县一家运动服饰店展开突击检查,现场查获涉嫌侵犯“adidas”“Nike”注册商标专用权的服饰1833件 (双),涉案金额达91.24万元。经品牌方鉴定,所有商品均为侵权产品。因案值巨大且涉嫌犯罪,案件于9月13日依法移送司法机关,会泽县公安局次日立案侦查。
国际运动品牌Nike、Adidas在中国的零售商,日子不好过。 3月11日晚间,Nike、Adidas等国际一线运动品牌的中国代理商宝胜国际(03813.HK)发布2024年全年业绩。
Downloads of Nike mobile apps for the quarter were down 35% from a year earlier, and foot traffic at Nike stores was down 11% ...
Sneakers are more than just footwear; they are a cultural statement. Among the most iconic sneakers in history, the Adidas ...
2024年,宝胜国际扩大了不同运动品类及细分市场,包括为时尚运动鞋履品牌Crocs、美国运动品牌Pony 1972、百年跑鞋品牌Saucony开更多单品店。通过户外运动品牌Jack Wolfskin和滑雪品牌Dynafit瞄准高增长的户外运动市场。
Indonesians account for 30 percent of factory workers employed by footwear and sports apparel manufacturers Nike and Adidas ...