From lens focal lengths and fill-flash to portraits, macro or stunning landscapes there are techniques for everyone. Learn how to use metering, considering composition and shoot everything from ...
I can’t help but like the Nikon Coolpix P1100. Sure, it’s unfeasibly big and heavy for a ‘compact’ camera but hey, it has a class-leading 125x optical zoom range, equating to 24-3000mm in full-frame ...
Crazy as it seems, the Nikon Coolpix P1100 is one of the hottest cameras around right now. And I'm glad, because I love the P1100 – and I especially love its party piece: its ludicrous 125x optical ...
Among its products are Nikkor imaging lenses (for F-mount cameras, large format photography, photographic enlargers, and other applications), the Nikon F-series of 35 mm film SLR cameras, the Nikon ...
The Nikon Z5 is the company’s cheapest full-frame camera, but even fans would admit it’s grown a little long in the tooth. Now five years old, it remains a capable performer (and particularly ...
Little more need be said than that this camera will win a lot of friends and become one of Nikon's most popular models ever. (We think!) ...
IT之家2 月 27 日消息,尼康中国宣布,轻便型数码相机 COOLPIX P1100 今日起正式发售,市场参考价为 7480 元。 其搭载高倍光学变焦镜头,焦距范围为广角 24mm-长焦 3000mm,在观鸟模式下可选自动对焦(AF)区域模式,并可将与相机 Fn 按钮相同的功能分配给 ML-L7 遥控 ...
In our experience, DSLRs are fantastic cameras to learn with. We've tested every beginner DSLR by Canon, Nikon and Pentax, accumulating hundreds of hours first-hand experience, and our top pick ...