In our experience, DSLRs are fantastic cameras to learn with. We've tested every beginner DSLR by Canon, Nikon and Pentax, accumulating hundreds of hours first-hand experience, and our top pick ...
SMZ Constructions Private Limited is an Indian Non-Government Company. It's a private company and is classified as'company limited by shares'. Company's authorized capital stands at Rs 1.0 lakhs and ...
By Gail Mitchell Ty Baisden, co-founder of the creative/business partnership company COLTURE, is announcing the launch of the firm’s Empower U Grant, dedicated to uplifting and supporting women ...
Images were taken using a SPOT Insight FireWire 4 Megasample Color Mosaic Camera (SPOT imaging systems, attached to a Nikon SMZ 1500 stereomicroscope (Nikon Corporation, Kanagawa, ...
世界五强之一的MOTIC显微镜华北和山东*总代理商 麦克奥迪推出的SMZ-161连续变倍体视显微镜,采用Greenough光学系统,实现了大范围的变焦比和清晰的观察影像,而且景深较大。反射式透射光源,使照明更加均匀,降工作台面的温度,避免了工作台面温度过高。