诺基亚宣布推出一款型号为“FastMile Gateway 4”的 5G 家用网关,该网关搭载 Wi-Fi 7 技术,主要随附运营商网络套餐进行销售,没有对消费者单独销售。 该网关采用 8 dBi 高增益天线,支持双频 Wi?Fi 7 技术,使用诺基亚一脉相承的极简北欧风格紧凑设计,消费者可 ...
为了利用技术不断发展的 5G 市场优势,诺基亚推出了 FastMile Gateway 4,这是一款支持 Wi-Fi 7 的 5G 室内网关,使运营商能够在整个家庭范围内提供 5G ...
IT之家 3 月 22 日消息,诺基亚宣布推出一款型号为“FastMile Gateway 4”的 5G家用网关,该网关搭载Wi-Fi 7技术,主要随附运营商网络套餐进行销售 ...
近年来,诺基亚推出了支持 Wi-Fi 7 的 FastMile Gateway 4 室内 5G 网关,帮助运营商将 5G 高速连接延伸至家庭每个角落。该产品是诺基亚 FWA 网关产品线的最新成员,旨在满足不断增长的固定无线接入市场需求,为用户提供更快速、可靠的家庭宽带体验。
IT之家 3 月 22 日消息,诺基亚宣布推出一款型号为“FastMile Gateway 4”的 5G 家用网关,该网关搭载 Wi-Fi 7 技术,主要随附运营商网络套餐进行销售 ...
Nokia has rolled out the FastMile Gateway 4, a compact indoor 5G gateway that comes with Wi‑Fi 7 for top-notch home connectivity. Gurus will appreciate that this device is built with high‑gain ...
New, compact 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) gateway with Wi-Fi 7, designed to deliver seamless 5G speeds throughout the home for an enhanced user experience, Delivers superior performance enabling ...
Nokia has introduced the FastMile Gateway 4, a new 5G indoor gateway designed to deliver high-speed internet throughout the home, powered by Wi-Fi 7 technology. A gateway is a device that connects ...
New, compact 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) gateway with Wi-Fi 7, designed to deliver seamless 5G speeds throughout the home for an enhanced user experience, Delivers superior performance enabling ...